This cake is a rich, dark, moist fruit cake, very flavorful at Christmas. Try icing with almond paste for a more festive touch. This recipe is started...
A favorite Palestinian dessert! Crunchy shredded phyllo dough is baked with a layer of creamy sweet cheese and then drenched in rosewater syrup. It's simple...
The name does not accurately describe this dessert but since it has been a family favorite for so many years I am loathe to change it. This is a light,...
For a family that LOVES bread pudding, double this recipe and bake it in a 9x13-inch pan. Enjoy this healthier version - which features whole wheat bread,...
It's a shame that fruitcake as a species gets such a bad rap. With its two key ingredients--rum and butter--it ought to be a hit. This recipe includes...
This bread pudding recipe is unique because it uses buttery croissant rolls instead of the traditional day-old French bread. The mix of chocolate and toffee...
This is a light and fluffy dessert salad based on pistachio pudding; the pudding is made lighter with the addition of whipped topping. Add an extra can...
Not only is bread pudding a great use of leftover bread, it's rich, satisfying, and delicious comfort food. The juice from the baked cherries makes this...
This easy recipe combines my favorite things in this world -- bread pudding, apples, raisins, vanilla, and rum! The sauce thickens atop the bread pudding,...
This tangy fruit salad is perfect with turkey or ham, and has always been on our holiday table. With real whipped cream, walnuts, and pineapple, it's a...
Delicious and easy, this is a fabulous mix of berries and yogurt! If you like, you can make a thin layer of graham crackers or granola in each vanilla/berry...
Love bread pudding and pecan pie? Now you can enjoy the flavors of pecan pie in a creamy and delicious bread pudding that is super easy to make. And, easy...
My grandmother made this salad every Thanksgiving. It is delicious even without its creamy topping. This side dish is so yummy, I sometimes make it even...
I received this recipe from my husband's aunt who has been serving this at her restaurant for years. Great for people who don't like bready things, because...
This easy bread pudding is a home run for chocolate lovers. We're not all daring enough to drizzle chocolate over chocolate, so use vanilla sauce if desired....
You can really taste the eggnog in this lovely, rich, moist cake. No eggnog? No problem. You can make enough for the recipe in a jiffy. Nothing says Southern...
A quick, lower-fat, rich chocolate custard that does not require baking or water baths. No one will ever guess it takes 10 minutes to make! Top with whipped...